Become part of the PLEAWA Committee.

Nominations will be called for in October 2023 prior to the PLEAWA Annual General Meeting in November 2023

This form can be used to nominate for a position on the Executive as specified in PLEAWA's Constitution.
Please make sure that you read the following exert from the PLEAWA Constitution prior to applying.

The Annual General Meeting of the Political and Legal Educators Association of Western Australia is traditionally held on the evening of the PALS ATAR examination,  from 4.15p.m. to 6.00p.m.  The Political and Legal Educators Association of Western Australia Constitution requires the officers of the association to be:

  • A President
  • A Vice-President
  • A Secretary
  • A Treasurer

Seven voting members of the committee, roles to be determined at point of need’.

Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of those members present at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

Nominations are will be invited prior to the PLEAWA Annual General Meeting, when notification will be sent to all financial PLEAWA members.  A current PLEAWA member must second the nomination with a statement in support of the nomination. To nominate for the Executive, individuals must be a member of the Association.

Please submit the nomination form to the Secretary prior to the PLEAWA AGM.


  • Membership shall be available to any person or organisation interested in the aims of the Association and shall be granted to the discretion of the Association’s Management Committee.
    • The applicant immediately becomes a member for that calendar year, when payment has been fulfilled, and is entitled to exercise all the rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote (if applicable), and must comply with all of the obligations of membership under these rules.

  • Membership classes shall be:
    • Individual membership;
    • Honorary membership; awarded by the decision of a General Meeting upon the recommendation of the Committee of Management; Honorary members shall not be eligible to vote in general meetings, annual general meetings or on the Committee of Management unless they are currently also financial for another membership class.
    • Institutional membership;
    • Associate membership; that shall only be available to pre-service teachers and other categories of persons as determined by the Committee of Management; Associate members shall not be eligible to vote in general meetings or annual general meetings nor serve as officers or members on the Committee of Management.

  • A member shall cease to be a member if:
    • The member resigns;
    • The member fails to pay his or her dues;
    • The member is suspended or expelled

  • The Secretary, on behalf of the Association, shall keep and maintain an up-to-date register of members which shall include their names, institution or employment and pg. 3 either postal or email address. A member upon a reasonable request of the Secretary may by request inspect in whole or part, but shall have no right to remove, the register at a time and place convenient to the Secretary.
    • The member must not use or disclose information in a record or document referred to in subrule 5iv except for a purpose that is directly connected with the affairs of the Association; or that is related to complying with a requirement of the Act. v. The annual subscription for each class of membership shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. a. the Committee of Management may determine to offer temporary discounts on associate membership, providing it is not contrary to decisions by an annual general meeting.


  • The officers of the Association shall be:
    • A President;
    • A Vice-President;
    •  A Secretary and
    • A Treasurer.
  • President;
    • The President has the following duties –
      • promoting the aims or objects of the Association;
      • chairing meetings of the Executive and of the Committee of Management;
      • consulting with the secretary regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting; 
      • convening and presiding at committee meetings and presiding at general meetings provided for in these rules – with the powers relating to the convening and presiding at such meetings;
      • and carrying out any other duty given to the president under these rules or by the Committee of Management.
  • Vice-President;
    • The Vice-President has the following duties –
      • promoting the aims or objects of the Association;
      • chairing meetings of the Executive and or Committee of Management in the absence of the president – with the powers relating to the convening and presiding at such meetings; and
      • carrying out any other duty given to the vice-president under these rules or by the Committee of Management.
  • Secretary;
    • The Secretary has the following duties —
      • dealing with the Association’s correspondence;
      • consulting with the President regarding the business to be conducted at each committee meeting and general meeting;
      • preparing the notices required for meetings and for the business to be conducted at meetings;
      • unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association the register of members, and recording in the register any changes in the membership, as required under section 53(1) of the Act;
      • maintaining on behalf of the Association an up-to-date copy of these rules, as required under section 35(1) of the Act;
      • unless another member is authorised by the committee to do so, maintaining on behalf of the Association a record of committee members and other persons authorised to act on behalf of the Association, as required under section 58(2) of the Act;
      • ensuring the safe custody of the books of the Association, other than the financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
      • maintaining full and accurate minutes of committee meetings and general meetings;  and
      • carrying out any other duty given to the secretary under these rules or by the Committee of Management.
  • Treasurer;
    • The Treasurer has the following duties —
      • ensuring that any amounts payable to the Association are collected and issuing receipts for those amounts in the Association’s name;
      • ensuring that any amounts paid to the Association are credited to the appropriate account of the Association, as directed by the committee;
      • ensuring that any payments to be made by the Association that have been authorised by the committee or at a general meeting are made on time;
      • ensuring that the Association complies with the relevant requirements of Part 5 of the Act;
      • ensuring the safe custody of the Association’s financial records, financial statements and financial reports, as applicable to the Association;
      • if the Association is a tier 1 association (with revenue of less than $AUD 250 000 annually), coordinating the preparation of the Association’s financial statements before their submission to the Association’s annual general meeting;
      • if the Association is a tier 2 association or tier 3 association, coordinating the preparation of the Association’s financial report before its submission to the Association’s annual general meeting;
      • providing any assistance required by an auditor or reviewer conducting an audit or review of the Association’s financial statements or financial report under Part 5 Division 5 of the Act; and
      • carrying out any other duty given to the Treasurer under these rules or by the Committee of Management.


  • The management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in a Committee of Management.
  • The Committee of Management shall comprise the officers of the Association.
  • Members shall elect annually, by simple majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, the Officers of the Association:
    • A President;
    • A Vice-President;
    • A Secretary and
    • A Treasurer.
  • The officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive of the Association, which shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Association.
  • The Committee of Management shall have power to co-opt members of the Association for any special purpose, to appoint Committee members where a vacancy exists until election can occur at the next General Meeting, to appoint an Assistant to the Secretary and/or Treasurer as it deems necessary, and to appoint an auditor or reviewer.
    • There shall be a maximum of seven (7) general members of the Committee, in addition to the officers, who shall be elected annually, by simple majority of those members present at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. Such general members of the Committee must be members of the Association and will have voting rights in respect to any decision that requires a vote of the Committee.
    • The Committee may co-opt additional members onto the Committee, in excess of the above, however they shall have no voting rights in respect to any decision that requires a vote of the Committee.
  • Each member of the Committee will be required to be responsible for Association activities in at least one specific area of activities as determined by the Committee.
    • A quorum at a Committee meeting shall consist of a majority of voting Committee members and shall include the President, Vice-President or their nominee.
      • Use of technology to be present at committee meetings
        • The presence of a Committee member at a Committee meeting need not be by attendance in person but may be by that Committee member and each other Committee member at the meeting being simultaneously in contact by telephone or other means of instantaneous communication.
        • A member who participates in a Committee meeting as allowed under subrule (i) is taken to be present at the meeting and, if the member votes at the meeting, the member is taken to have voted in person.
  • The Committee shall meet at least once a quarter, and shall be empowered to call a General Meeting at two weeks’ notice.
  • Committee meetings shall be convened by the President at their discretion, provided that a Committee meeting must be held within two weeks from the date on which the President received a request for such a meeting from any two Committee members.
  • Any member of the Association may place any matter on the agenda of a Committee meeting by submitting matter in writing to the Secretary at least one week before the date of the Committee meeting.
  • Each Committee member shall have one vote only (if eligible) in all matters requiring decision by vote. Honorary members shall not be entitled to vote.
  • The Officers, general members elected to, and members co-opted onto, the Committee of Management shall have a term of office from his or her election at an Annual General Meeting until the next Annual General Meeting after their election, but he or she is eligible for re-election to membership of the Committee.
  •   A casual vacancy occurs in the office of a Committee member and that office becomes vacant if the Committee member –
    • Dies
    • Resigns by notice in writing delivered to the President or, if the Committee member is the President, to the Vice-President and that resignation is accepted by resolution of the Committee;
    • Is convicted of an offence under the Act;
    • Ceases to be a member of the Association;
    • Is the subject of a resolution passed by a general meeting of members terminating his or her appointment as an officer or Committee member;
    • Is absent from more than
      • three consecutive Committee meetings; or
      • three Committee meetings in the same term of office without tendering an apology to the Secretary; of which meetings the member received notice, and the Committee has resolved to declare the office vacant.
  • The Committee of Management has the power to fill casual vacancies in the Committee of Management, with a co-opted member of the Committee of Management or any eligible and financial member of the association.
  • The acts of a committee or subcommittee, or of a committee member or member of a subcommittee, are valid despite any defect that may afterwards be discovered in the election, appointment or qualification of a committee member or member of a subcommittee.

Nomination Form Nomination Form

PLEAWA Constitution.

Political and Legal Educators Association of Western Australia 
(effective 20 November 2018 amended 2021).

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