Teacher's Resources

Materials of assistance for all teacher of Civics & Citizenship and Politics and Law.

For additional, and more recent, materials, please consider joining PLEAWA as an individual or institutional member!

Civics & Citizenship

PLEAWA Years 5-6 Civics & Citizenship Resources

Curriculum resources based on the WA Civics & Citizenship curriculum for Years 5-6.

We acknowledge and thank the Law Society of Western Australia's Francis Burt Law Education Programme for their assistance in developing these resources! 

PLEAWA Year 7-10 Civics & Citizenship Resources

Curriculum resources based on the WA Civics & Citizenship curriculum for Years 7-10.

We acknowledge and thank the Law Society of Western Australia's Francis Burt Law Education Programme for their assistance in developing these resources!     

Howard Library: Case Study - National Firearms Agreement

A series of lesson plans and activities illustrating how government policy is shaped and developed, including the role of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Howard Library: Case Study - Peacekeeping in East Timor

A series of lesson plans and activities illustrating Australia's role and responsibilities at a global level, including peacekeeping and the provision of foreign aid.

Year 11 & 12 ATAR - Politics & Law

2018-2020 WACE Exam Review

A series of presentations that review the 2018-2020 Politics & Law WACE Exams, along with a presentation on contemporary issues by Stephen King.

Masterclass: Myths on Essay Writing in Politics & Law.

Daniel Tomlinson & Alex Roseveare discuss ten myths about essay writing in PAL. For the PowerPoint, click here.

Masterclass: How to Answer 6 & 8-Mark Questions

Alex Roseveare, Head of HASS at Shenton College, shares his tips on how to answer (c) and (d) questions in a source analysis for Politics & Law.

Mythbusters: Getting to the Truth on Politics & Law Content in Year 12 ATAR

Alex Roseveare, Head of HASS at Shenton College and experienced Politics & Law teacher, provides insights into common content misconceptions.

Event Recording: Panel Discussion with US Consulate

An online panel with Director of Policy at the US Consulate in Perth, Ms. Elena Augustine.

PLEAWA Professional Learning: Meet the US Consul General

An audio recording of a 2021 discussion with United States Consul General David Gainer on democracy in Australia and the USA.

2021 Sir Ronald Wilson Lecture

Rosalind Croucher, President of the AHRC, presents The Perils of Independence: The Australian Human Rights Commission. Hosted by the Law Society of Western Australia.
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