Fblep Services To Schools
Lawyer Visits to Schools Network
Lawyer Visits to Schools Network (LVSN)is now well established and I encourage you to consider incorporating a free lawyer visit to your school, metropolitan or regional, in your planning for the 2016 school year. The process of requesting a visit is straightforward; just complete the expression of interest details on the back of the flyer and forward the request to the FBLEP -
(Flyer/Expression of Interest).
FBLEP Online Student and Teacher Resources
Don’t forget the wealth of legal and civics education resources (student and teacher) available on the
FBLEP Education Resources page of the Law Society of Western Australia website.
Regional and Remote Schools Loan Box Programme
The Constitutional Centre of Western Australia, The Parliamentary Education Office, The Francis Burt Law Education Programme and The Electoral Education Centre provide a number of loan boxes for use by schools in the remote and regional areas of the State. Further information about the Regional and Remote Schools Loan Box Programme can be obtained via the
Constitutional Centre.
2017 FBLEP Event Dates
·Term 2, Week 10 (Wednesday, 21 June): Hypothetical Event (co-presented with Legal Aid WA), Target audience: Year 7-10 students
·Term 3, Week 3 (1 August):
Sir Ronald Wilson Lecture,
Target audience: Year 11 and 12 Politics and Law students and teachers
·Term 3, Week 5 (Monday, 15 August): Law Society of WA Year 12 Politics and Law ATAR Course Certificate of Excellence invitation to nominate a student forwarded to schools
§Please contact us to confirm if your school is providing the Year 12 PAL ATAR course to register your interest in this initiative
·Term 4, Week 1 (Thursday, 13 October): Mock Trial Competition Grand Final
·Term 4, Week 8 (one day in this week): FBLEP Teacher Professional Learning Event, TBC (We welcome your input regarding what you would like this event to focus on)
Your input and feedback on the FBLEP programmes and resources is always encouraged as we work to better support teachers and students with the teaching of Civics and Citizenship, History and other relevant curricula.