2016 Mock Trial Competition

The Law Society of Western Australia invites your school to participate in the 30th year of the Mock Trial Competition. The competition is open to secondary students who are not older than 18 years of age as at 31 December 2016.

This interactive role-play programme is a valuable way for students to learn about trial process, court room procedure and court room etiquette first hand as they play one of several key roles in a court case.

As a team, your students will be:

  • barristers;
  • solicitors;
  • witnesses; and
  • court room staff while presenting a case before a judge in a real court room.

    Make the Mock Trial Competition a dynamic and valuable part of your school’s curriculum framework.

    Year 10, 11 and 12 students are also able to achieve WACE accreditation from their participation in the Mock Trial Competition.

    Registrations close Monday, 15th February 2016.


  • Dates for 2016:
    Round 1: 29 February – 17 March Round 2: 2 – 19 May
    Round 3: 13 – 30 June
    Round 4: 1 – 4 August
    Round 5: 23-25 August
    Round 6: 13-15 September Grand Final: October (date TBC)

Teams: Each team comprises a minimum of eight and a maximum of twelve members.

Registration: Registration is via the Society’s website – Community Education section with secure online payment.

Cost: Team registration $75.00 payable by Monday, 15 February 2016.

More Information: Please contact: pstandenburrows@lawsocietywa.asn.au or by phone (08) 9324 8604.