Political Cartoon Competition

The Political & Legal Educators Association (PLEAWA) is excited to invite students to participate in our Political Cartoon Competition as part of HASS Week WA 2024!

This competition is open to Year 7-12 students across Western Australia. Participants can enter individually or in small groups of up to three members. Students will be split into two divisions:

  • Years 7-9
  • Years 10-12

Your task is to create a political cartoon that sheds light on a current issue relating to Australian politics or law. It should focus on developments from 2022 - 2024.

The submissions will be judged using the following criteria:

  1. Originality
  2. Understanding of the Australian Political and/or Legal System
  3. Communication of a Political and/or Legal Issue

We are looking for a cartoon that presents a unique perspective or idea. It should accurately refer to relevant parts of the political/legal system and effectively uses images and text to communicate a powerful idea.


  • The best entry in each division will receive a $200.00 book voucher. This prize will be shared if the cartoon was produced as a group.
  • Each division will also have runner-up prizes.
  • Winning entries will be displayed on the PLEAWA website, showcasing your insight and creativity to the WA public!

How to Enter?
Entries can be submitted using the submission button below. However, they must be submitted by Friday 17th May 2024.

Best of luck to all our talented participants!


First Name
Last Name
Email Address
File UploadPlease upload your cartoon as a Word, PDF , JPEG or PNG file.