Event: USA Election 2016 Q&A
- Alex Conant (GOP): former Communications Director Marco Rubio Presidential campaign
- Penny Lee (DEM): political communications and government relations strategist Venn Strategies
- Hon. Kim Beazley AC: former Australian Ambassador to the USA and Opposition Leader (ALP)
- Moderator: Prof. Harry Phillips AM: Parliamentary Fellow and leading political/civic education advocate and political commentator in Western Australia
- Ms Cynthia Griffin: US Consul General (Perth) or representative will also be in attendance
- Unit 2: the electoral and voting systems of another country
- Unit 3: legislative, executive and judicial powers with reference to ... one non-Westminster political and legal system
- Unit 4: the ways in which ... one other country can both uphold and/or undermine democratic principles, with reference to political representation, popular participation.
- Monday 9 th May from 5.00pm to 7.00pm
- Afternoon tea and drinks served from 5pm; event begins at 5.30pm
- Teachers and students of Politics and Law ATAR
PAYMENT: N/A. Free for PLEAWA members and their students.
RSVP: Required for catering purposes. Places limited.
May be directed to Secretary, Chris Allanson on Allanson.Chris@trinity.wa.edu.au
We would like to thank and acknowledge the support of the US Consulate Perth in coordinating this event.
This event will be run in a Q&A forum. In order to maximise student participation, students will be asked to submit question(s) in advance, selected student questions will be notified on arrival to the event.