UNAAWA Entry: The Global Challenges Prize

The Global Challenges Foundation based In Stockholm is running a worldwide conversation to find models for international decision-making capable of addressing risks facing humanity (a global governance model). The competition is not looking for blueprints to avert specific risks.

See: https://globalchallenges.org/en The model may be a new or revised process

and/or structure that must be able to:

  • Be implemented in the foreseeable future

  • Win significant civic acceptance

  • Minimise limits on nation-state sovereignty

    Entries are assessed on how well they might manage global risks and meet the criteria of:

  1. Core values

  2. Decision-making capacity

  3. Effectiveness

  4. Resources and financing

  5. Trust and insight

  6. Protection against the abuse of power

  7. Decision-maker accountability


Organisations and individuals wishing to contribute to the UNAAWA entry must submit an application form to gcs@unaa-wa.org.au by 5pm 30 June 2017.

Further information provided at a Briefing Session, 5.30pm Friday 26 May at
Lotteries House, 33 Moore St, EAST PERTH RSVP by 24 May to Rees Barrett
Email: gcs@unaa-wa.org.au
POSTER-Global-Challenges-Prize-v2.pdf (425.7 KB)

APPLICATION-2017-Global-Challenges-Prize.pdf (146.0 KB)